Project Spotlight: Jacksonville International Airport

RW-(AP) JAX TSA Reno 980X440

12' Walls, Wide-Access Double Doors Key to Success

Most passengers don’t even notice construction is underway as they move through security at Jacksonville International Airport (JAX).

This TSA area renovation, performed by Balfour Beatty, called for over 800 linear feet of RealWall™ 12’ panels, as well as four of our recently unveiled double doors, which were critical to the project’s success.

For this job, STARC actually created three special double doors using piano hinges, which enable the doors to completely fold onto themselves, providing even greater accessibility.

In this case, JAX chose STARC because airport officials were impressed with the flexibility of our RealWall system and the responsiveness of our sales team.

RW-(AP) JAX TSA Reno 3

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